Monday, May 14, 2007

May 14, 2007 Back to the hospital

We are taking Annie back to the hospital today. The last week to ten days has been tough for Annie and the doctors decided today to admit her back at Children's to see if they can get the issues resolved. The main problem is difficulty with taking in food and water. It appears that one or more of her medicines have depressed her appetite, while at the same time making her gag reflex hyper active and making her nauseated. This has been an ongoing progression, and became a seriouse issue over the past few days because she has not been able to really eat or drink much. She is loosing weight and is dehydrated. Just trying to drink water makes her gag and wretch. She is supposed to have food with some of the medications. Not being able to eat means the medications are not being metabolized they way they should be, which makes it even worse. The doctors can't just cut the medicines because they are protecting the liver from rejection (as of last week the liver has been doing fine!!!). And all of this is wearing Annie out. It has been such a long road for her and it is taking its toll.

If you can, please continue to pray for her, for strength and endurance as she walks this path. As she said, we know the Lord has a plan that is good and full of grace. Someday looking back on this we will see His hand at work and be greatful. Right now we pray for the strength to endure and the faith to trust Him "Jesus, I Trust in You!"

God bless. Paul

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not.
In all your ways be mindful of him, and He will make straight your paths."
-Proverbs 3:5-6


Anonymous said...

Hang in there Annie! We are praying for you and you are in the best place at Childrens. Have faith that they will figure this puzzle out and get you eating and drinking again. You are amazing and we are so proud to call you a friend. Love,
The Hoeys

dcat said...

I'm still with you Annie and so is God.

Emily Gilbert said...

stay strong annie! you are and always have been. we go into this battle again as prayer warriors and you have so many people fighting with you! love you girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

annie i have you in my thoughts at all times. love you so much. hurry back home so i can see you when i drive over to seattle.
love you

Anonymous said...

Okay girlie, this is just another step along your road.

I am so looking forward to seeing you Friday - your strength is an inspiration to many.

This too shall pass.

All the best wishes ~

Anonymous said...


As we are told, we were never promised a rose garden. But with your trust and hope in the Lord, you are providing that rose garden of love and hope to others. With your love and trust all is possible through God's will. I can only imagine the frustration you are going through, but it must be wonderful to know you are loved so much and prayers are being said endlessly for your strength and complete healing according to God's will.

God bless,

Prayer Partner in Christ