Thursday, May 17, 2007

May 17, 2007 Home again!

Annie came home from the hospital this afternoon afer a four day "tune up" at Children's. They put an IV in her and got her fluid levels back up. And they also discontinued two medicines and decreased the dose of another. We are hoping that these changes will help ger to get her appetite back. Thank you all for your support and prayers.

Tomorrow Annie goes back to Bishop Blanchet High School for an all school assembly about organ donation put on by Living Legacy. The speaker will talk about organ donation, and will explain how the students and staff can consider organ donation. Annie hopes to say a few words as well.

We continue to be greatful for the Good Lord's grace and blessings. He continues to walk with Annie and with us, gives Annie strength and endurance and a will to face each day a new. He is answering your many prayers.

While in the hospital Annie got to see baby Emma and her mom and dad each day. Emma continues to jump hurdles and grow. As of yesterday she is just shy of two pounds, double her birth weight. God continues to bless Emma and her family - please continue to keep them in your prayers.

Today Jane flew to Montana to surprise her dad on his 80th birthday. We were not sure if she could go because Annie was in the hospital, but it worked out that she could go. Jane's mom told her dad that she had recieved a call from me this morning and that I was shipping a package to them that they would have to pick up at the airport. Her dad was totally surprised when he got to the airport and discovered that the "package" was Jane. She will spend the day with them and fly home tomorrow morning so she can attend the assembly at Annie's school tomorrow.

Take care. God Bless. Paul

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not.
In all your ways be mindful of him, and He will make straight your paths."
-Proverbs 3:5-6


Anonymous said...

You are an amazing family and provide continuous inspiration to all of us.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Annie & Paul! We just heard you on the radio. Kiro, 710 AM. Great job! It was an excellent interview. Thank you for helping to spread the good news of organ donation. Wow! Now you are going to be really famous!

Enjoy the assembly and "going home" to Blanchet today.


The Whitlocks

Anonymous said...

You did an awesome job at the assembly today. It was such an honor to be there and witness such love and faith right there with all these teens. Your entire family has touched so many lives (beyond what you can even imagine). We are so lucky to call you friends.
The Hoeys

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! I am getting really excited to see you all. Just a week or so!!!! Love ya tons