Tuesday, May 1, 2007

May 1, 2007 Tuesday Update

Here is Annie on Sunday April 29th just after discharge from Children's. She is sitting with the Lambs in the visitor area at the intensive care unit at Childrens, to visit baby Emma and the Lambs. These visits with the Lambs have been a great boost for Annie, they are such great people, and Annie looks forward to see them each time she has to go into Children's for blood work or an apporintment. She is in four or five times this week.

Shortly after the picture was taken Annie had another episode where she passed out, in the ICU visitor area. The charge nurse for the ICU came right away, and Annie was transferred to Children's emergency room. I was home at the time and that was when I got the call from Jane that said Annie was back in the emergency room. My heart sunk. By the time I got to the hospital Annie was back in the hospital on 4th floor. They held her for observation for a couple of hours and then let her come home. Home is a better place to recover!

It is now Tuesday morning. It continues to be an up and down journey. For example most of yesterday Annie was quite run down and also down hearted, her spirits kind of hitting the bottom. She has been on such a long journey, it is so understandable. But then with Annie being Annie, she perked up late yesterday afternoon and went out with Jane to Redmond Town Center. Nothing like a litte shopping to cap off the day! She is so amazing, she is so tough, she is so great, I just love her. She won't let the down stop her from having the ups. Last night she slept well. We are greatful for these good moments. We are greatful for the amazing grace.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support. They continue to be a source of great grace. And we ask the Good Lord to bless you each a 100 fold for all you have done for us. His blessings on you is also a part of this journey. And please keep baby Emma and her parents in your prayers.

God bless. Paul

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not.
In all your ways be mindful of him, and He will make straight your paths."
-Proverbs 3:5-6


Anonymous said...

Keep it up girlie!

You are an amazing young woman with great support of family and friends. I can hardly wait to see you and tell you about all the people who are cheering for you.

Keep smiling, and in no time these temporary challenges will be nothing but a memory!

The Munoz Family said...

..hey Annie, I am impressed by quite the team that is constantly cheering you up saying HE IS WITH YOU!! Keep up the walk kiddo, you are our most Shinning and Amazing Grace we've ever met.
With God's Love;

Anonymous said...

you can DO eet! :p
If you need the dog out/fed, etc. remember we are just next door. Take care!

bg said...


prayers continuing for all..

as my parents used to say..
you're a "trouper" Annie.. :)

God Bless You!!

(((hugs))) 'n' luv, patricia..


Anonymous said...

i know we dont know u but the students here at SAS in mrs. shillers class r praying 4 u every day. we know u will do gr8 in life !!!
god bless