Saturday, April 28, 2007

4-28-2007 Saturday Update

Annie spent yesterday in the hospital and met with several doctors who were trying to sort out the episodes she had on Thursday. Last night they changed her blood pressure medine and increased the dose of her siezure medicine. They want to keep her in the hospital another day to see how the medicines work, and there is a good chance she will be home tomorrow (Sunday).

Overall Annie is feeling a bit better. She had a good nights sleep, much better than the prior night which was quite difficult. The doctors have told us that this is the path she is on for a few months, and than three months from now this should all be in our rear view mirror.

I added this picture of our family (Paul, Annie, Jane, Ben) from this Easter because I realized that there are people praying for Annie across the country who do not even know us. I wanted you to know how grateful we all are for your amazing gifts of prayer, and I wanted you to see that your prayers are being answered by the Good Lord. And here we are on Easter, the day when the Good Lord taught us in such a profound way that suffering placed in the Father's hands is redemptive, is life giving, is a source of Amazing Grace. Thank you so much and may God bless you all abundantly.

Since baby Emma Lamb is now at Children's we get to see her and her mom and dad each day. This morning Annie, Jane, and I had breakfast with them at Children's cafeteria. Keep the prayers comming for Emma. She has had several good days but she has a long way and many hurdles to overcome until she reaches "full term" - her normal birthdate would have been late July. It is a long road for her and her great mom and dad and they need our prayers to keep them going for the long haul.

God bless. Paul

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not.
In all your ways be mindful of him, and He will make straight your paths."
-Proverbs 3:5-6

1 comment:

dcat said...

she has a long way and many hurdles to overcome ...

She will do it!

I'm in it for the long haul too!

:) You go girl!