Saturday, April 14, 2007

4/14/2007 Home Again!

Last night (Friday) Annie came home again from the hospital. She was admitted on Thursday night because of weight loss and blood pressure issues. With some medication changes there has been good progress on the blood pressure.

In order to help her gain some weight back the doctors had a feeding tube put in Annie. It goes through the nose and down the throat into the stomach - it was rather tramatic putting it in, and the nurses said Annie was one of the best they have had for the proceedure! The plan was to run a pump for 10 hours each night that would deliver about 1,000 calories to her stomach, with her getting another 2,000 calories during the day on her own.

However Annie was not happy with the tube. It hurt her throat, it hurt to swallow, and it hurt to talk. She insisted that she could get all the calories she needed on her own if they would only give her a chance. She spoke to the nurses and they said she would need to keep it in for a few weeks. She then spoke with the transplant team and told them she wanted the tube out and she would do it on her own. They said she needed to keep it in. Then she spoke with the main transplant doctor and he said she needed to keep it in. The all told her that she was at a critical state and needed 3,000 calories every day. They also said that they could only recommend, and that the final choice was Annie's.

Annie was frustrated that they would not give her a chance. So talking with her parents she came up with her own plan. She would come home Friday night, run the feeding over night, and then pull the tube Saturday morning. She would prove Saturday that she could get 3,000 calories on her own by 10 PM, or she would return to the hospital as an outpatient to have it re-installed immediatly. Then she met with the transplant nutritionist on Friday afternoon and came up with a nutrition plan for her to do on her own. The nutritionist was very encouraging, and sent her home with all kinds of nutrition supplements and super calorie drinks.

So this morning at 7 AM the tube came out. And as soon as it did Annie lit up with the biggest smile. She said "I can swallow". And then she immediatly drank a nutrition drink - she said "Dad, this is my beer" and she gulped it down in a couple of minutes. It is now about 11 AM and she is doing great, she is ahead of schedule on her calorie intake. She is determined to show the doctors that she can do this on her own. She will have to keep this up for a few weeks to build back her weight and her strength, and she is determined to do it.

God bless you all. Paul

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not.
In all your ways be mindful of him, and He will make straight your paths."
-Proverbs 3:5-6


The Munoz Family said...

..cheers dear Annie!! To your health and all that Our God has in plans for your beautiful life ahead. Let's keep those calories up and may God continue to show Papa, Mama and Ben how wonderfully God is living in your heart.

Anonymous said...

aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh - to be you!! As a woman I love that you have this license to consume all these calories in a day!! Embrace this time. :)

In all seriousness, I think you will accept this challenge with the grace and tenacity you have used in all aspects of your life.

I love your spirit.