Friday, April 6, 2007

4/6/2007 11am update

After a week of lots of ups and downs, Annie is finally doing much better. Her liver tests continue in the good direction, coming down each day. And the siezure medicine is working. Yesteday Annie was able to go outside and soak in the sun and while there she said she has not fell this well in over a year!

Today her morning meds included 20 pills, two liquids, and an IV medicine. It is a lot of medicines to ballance but it looks like they are getting close. Before she can go home she has to know all of her meds and pass a quiz showing she knows them all - can't get away from school.

Today Dr. Healy, the transplat surgeon came in and he was pleased with her progress. He took the stitches out today. He said some of the near term goals are getting enough intake of calories and liquids. She got very close yesterday, and we hope she will meet the goals today. He said he hopes she can go home in the next few days.

The nurse that was in with Dr. Healy today was wearing a vest with a "Donate Life" logo on the back. We showed her and Dr. Healy the art work for the T shirt - they liked it. They said that this month is "Donate Life" month, so the T shirts are timed perfectly.

Last night Annie and I went down to the ICU unit to visit with a couple of the nurses who took care of her after her transplant. We got to see Amanda and Wendy, it was great. We got pictures with both. Today she is going to see if she can see any of her day shift nurses from ICU.

We continue to feel blessed and are greatful for all of your support and prayers. May you have a blessed Good Friday and a joyful Easter.


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not.
In all your ways be mindful of him, and He will make straight your paths."
-Proverbs 3:5-6

1 comment:

dcat said...

Thank you and the same to you and your family Paul :)

Wonderful news!