Friday, March 30, 2007

3/30/2007 Afternoon update

And two steps back. Annie came home this afternoon on a 4 hr. pass, and she returned a about 5 pm in an ambulance. She had a seizure at home and was slow to come out of it so we had to call 911. This is a long road for Annie with many difficulties to overcome. We appreciate you keeping her in your prayers. God Bless. Paul

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not.
In all your ways be mindful of him, and He will make straight your paths."
-Proverbs 3:5-6


Joanne said...

Annie's in my prayers; remind her to take comfort in the closeness of Jesus.

It may take a little while to get used to her new organ, but I understand this to be normal. Keep your chin up Annie.

dcat said...

Yes Annie we are all here for ya!